About Me
My name is Valeriya Izhyk, I’m an expert on Ukraine’s EU integration, specialised in Energy, Reconstruction and Education. I currently work for Bankwatch.
EU Policy Officer on Ukraine Reconstruction
CEE Bankwatch, Brussels, Since November 2022
- Drafting amendments for the draft Regulation on Ukraine Facility.
- Advocating at the European Parliament for including the amendments (10/11 are in the joint EP report on the file).
- Chairing informal dialogue between the DG.NEAR.E and Ukrainian civil society of stakeholder consultation process (every 2 months since January 2022).
- Negotiating with the EBRD on due diligence for Ukraine reconstruction, in particular in energy loans.
- Representing organisation at international meetings (URC London, Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue, Ukraine Green Recovery Vilnius)
- Communicating about Ukraine Facility in media ( Euractiv, Bloomberg, The Parliament Magazine (in progress).
- Liaison with think-tanks for joint advocacy (European Green 10, German Marshall Fund, Chatham House)
Coordinator for Electricity Working Group
CEER/ACER, Brussels April 2022 – October 2022
- Interest representation of European Energy Regulators at the European Parliament and the European Commission.
- Coordinating policy drafting on the Clean Energy Package.
- Co-chairing ad-hoc working group on Continental Europe-Ukraine Power Systems emergency synchronisation .
- Liaison with ACER, ICER, IEA, E.DSO, EU DSO Entity, Eurelectric, SolarPower Europe to deliver proposals for electricity market design as response to energy crisis.
- Assisting with drafting ACER-CEER reflection papers on the European Commission’s Clean Energy Package public consultations